A downloadable game

Submission for the Nokia 3310 Jam 6

Game heavily inspired by the Cook, Serve, Delicious games

Controls are:

- 741 to select the customer's order

- 852963 to add ingredients to the dish

- Enter to serve!

On keyboard, use:

- QAZ to select the customer's order

- WSXEDC to add ingredients to the dish

- Space to serve!

Keep replaying the game and get higher scores!


NokiaExported.zip 24 MB


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Very nice work!

I like how the different dishes had certain patterns to them, like the popsicle that always ended in 63, or how frozen fruit usually (but not always) ended in dip. Ice cream that makes you choose cup / cone at the start was nice, swapping the position of the "reliable" step.

I think the scope was probably just right for a game jam, but if you wanted to do more I'd definitely would like also having 2-stage recipes you have to revisit after a delay (one of the big mechanics from CSD games). Having that extra layer of prioritization added to gameplay adds some really fun decision-making that I like.

This jam has some crazy harsh restrictions to work within, and I think you did a solid job of working within them. The layered images for different foods was fun and it gave good feedback to me as I built the orders.  There is an unfortunate bug with the display of dishes if you did a multiple matching types in a row, but I (eventually) realized that it was only visual - not an obstacle to me plowing toward a high score.

I do think that the way the a game that throws a bunch of text at you in a super-low-res font makes it harder to get into, though. After playing it a few times it didn't bother me, but it's a lot to figure out all at once (and is probably even harder to manage if you're not familiar with the CSD-style gameplay loop

Overall, cool stuff! Capturing the core structure of food-assembly gameplay with intense limitations is definitely a feat on its own, and I think that the way you fit in different fun gameplay touches with your theming and dish selection was very fun.